event bubbling vs capturing

To demonstrate the difference between event bubbling and capturing modes, let's take an example where we have two HTML elements, one is inside another.
Both elements handle the click event. To make it simple, we use an inline onclick attribute to handle the event:
<div id="parent" onclick="console.log('parent clicked')">
<!-- Parent node -->
<div id="child" onclick="console.log('child clicked')">
<!-- Child node -->
Now we have two different handlers. Clicking the child node would perform these handlers in different orders based on which mode we want the event to be executed in.
Clicking the child node will print child clicked, and then parent clicked.
We can force the event to be fired in the capturing mode by passing the third parameter of addEventListener(event, handler, useCapture) to true.
Let's revisit the example by using addEventListener():
() => {
console.log('parent clicked');
document.getElementById('child').addEventListener('click', () => {
console.log('child clicked');
If we click the child node, the listener of parent node is fired first, and then the child node's listener. The Console window will output as follow:
parent clicked children clicked

Good practice

It is not recommended to register the event handler via the element attributes such as onclick. For more details, check out the addEventListener() function vs onproperty.

Good to know

The capturing mode does not happen for some special events (focus, for example) and on IE < 9.

See also