encodeURI vs encodeURIComponent

Because a URL can consist of standard ASCII characters only, other special characters have to be encoded. They will be replaced by a sequence of different characters that represent its UTF-8 encoding.
encodeURI and encodeURIComponent are used for that purpose.


  1. encodeURI is used to encode a full URL.
    encodeURI('https://domain.com/path to a document.pdf');
    // 'https://domain.com/path%20to%20a%20document.pdf'
    Whereas encodeURIComponent is used for encoding a URI component such as a query string.
    `http://domain.com/?search=\${encodeURIComponent('encode & decode param')}`;
    // 'http://domain.com/?search=encode%20%26%20decode%20param'
  2. There are 11 characters which are not encoded by encodeURI, but encoded by encodeURIComponent.
    The following snippet prints these characters:
    const arr = Array(256)
    .map((_, i) => String.fromCharCode(i))
    .filter((c) => encodeURI(c) != encodeURIComponent(c));
    arr.forEach((c) => console.log(c, encodeURI(c), encodeURIComponent(c)));
    Here is the list of those characters:

Good to know

  1. decodeURI and decodeURIComponent are methods to decode a string that is encoded by encodeURI and encodeURIComponent respectively.
  2. encodeURIComponent does not encode -_.!~*'(). If you want to these characters are encoded, you have to replace them with corresponding UTF-8 sequence of characters:
    const encode = (str) =>
    .replace(/\\-/g, '%2D')
    .replace(/\\_/g, '%5F')
    .replace(/\\./g, '%2E')
    .replace(/\\!/g, '%21')
    .replace(/\\~/g, '%7E')
    .replace(/\\*/g, '%2A')
    .replace(/\\'/g, '%27')
    .replace(/\\(/g, '%28')
    .replace(/\\)/g, '%29');
    encode("What's result of (4 + 2)?"); // "What%27s%20result%20of%20%284%20%2B%202%29%3F"
    The decoding function could look like as follow:
    const decode = (str) =>
    .replace(/\\%2D/g, '-')
    .replace(/\\%5F/g, '_')
    .replace(/\\%2E/g, '.')
    .replace(/\\%21/g, '!')
    .replace(/\\%7E/g, '~')
    .replace(/\\%2A/g, '*')
    .replace(/\\%27/g, "'")
    .replace(/\\%28/g, '(')
    .replace(/\\%29/g, ')')
    decode('What%27s%20result%20of%20%284%20%2B%202%29%3F'); // "What's result of (4 + 2)?"