display: none vs [hidden]

HTML5 adds the hidden attribute which has the same affect as the CSS display: none declaration. An element will not be displayed if the hidden attribute is used regardless of its value:
<div hidden>
<!-- This will disappear from the screen -->
Both hides the content from the screen reader as well.


  1. Both display: none declaration and hidden attribute work in the same way. But the hidden attribute provides better semantic.
  2. display: none works in the old browsers, but hidden isn't supported natively in IE 10 and below.
To get around the problem, we can simply set
[hidden] {
display: none;
It's included in modern CSS normalizing libraries such as Normalize.css.
Changing the value of display property to something else (such as display: flex) will override the behavior of the hidden attribute.
Popular libraries prevent it from being overridden by using !important:
[hidden] {
display: none !important;
The implementation can be found in Bootstrap 4's Reboot, PureCSS.